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Deep Learning Tutorials

Learn how to use AI to speed up data analysis and processes in our deep learning tutorials. Upskill with our deep learning tips, tricks, and techniques.

TensorFlow 2.0 Case Study

Build a machine learning model for predicting the publisher’s name from an article using various Google Cloud technologies.

Sayak Paul

August 19, 2019


Implementing Neural Style Transfer Using TensorFlow 2.0

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to implement power applications like Prisma using TensorFlow 2.0.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

June 21, 2019


TensorFlow Tutorial For Beginners

Learn how to build a neural network and how to train, evaluate and optimize it with TensorFlow
Karlijn Willems's photo

Karlijn Willems

January 16, 2019


Introduction to Deep Learning in Python

Learn the basics of deep learning and neural networks along with some fundamental concepts and terminologies used in deep learning.
Aditya Sharma's photo

Aditya Sharma

December 12, 2018


Investigating Tensors with PyTorch

In this tutorial, you'll learn about Tensors, PyTorch, and how to create a simple neural network with PyTorch.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

September 12, 2018

Deep Learning

Deduce the Number of Layers and Neurons for ANN

There is an optimal number of hidden layers and neurons for an artificial neural network (ANN). This tutorial discusses a simple approach for determining the optimal numbers for layers and neurons for ANN's.
Ahmed Gad's photo

Ahmed Gad

September 11, 2018


Image Super-Resolution using Multi-Decoder Framework Tutorial

In this tutorial, you’ll implement a medical imaging using deep learning paper with Python in Keras.
Aditya Sharma's photo

Aditya Sharma

August 6, 2018


Autoencoder as a Classifier using Fashion-MNIST Dataset Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn & understand how to use autoencoder as a classifier in Python with Keras. You'll be using Fashion-MNIST dataset as an example.
Aditya Sharma's photo

Aditya Sharma

July 20, 2018


Reconstructing Brain MRI Images Using Deep Learning (Convolutional Autoencoder)

In this tutorial, you'll learn & understand how to read nifti format brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images, reconstructing them using convolutional autoencoder.
Aditya Sharma's photo

Aditya Sharma

June 27, 2018


Reconstructing Fingerprint Images Using Deep Learning (Convolutional Autoencoder)

In this tutorial, you will learn and understand how to read jpeg format fingerprint images, reconstructing them using convolutional autoencoder.
Aditya Sharma's photo

Aditya Sharma

June 26, 2018