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Aplicación de la ciencia de datos

Data Science & AI Code-Alongs

From data visualization to AI, code-along with experts as they solve real-world problems. Work your way through an entire project with the help of a screencast, so you never get stuck.
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Conviértete en un desarrollador de IA

Impartido por instructores de:

Creación de sistemas de IA con OpenAI y LangChain

Domina los paquetes de la API de OpenAI y LangChain y crea pruebas de concepto de IA a lo largo del camino.

Richie Cotton
Introducción a los modelos de lenguaje grandes con GPT y LangChain

Richie Cotton

Olivier Mertens
Ingeniería de prompts con GPT y LangChain

Olivier Mertens

Korey Stegared-Pace
Creación de aplicaciones de IA multimodales con LangChain y la API de OpenAI

Korey Stegared-Pace

Desarrollo de aplicaciones de IA con GPT y Pinecone

Combina el poder de las bases de datos vectoriales Pinecone y la API de OpenAI y crea chatbots con memoria a largo plazo.

Lista completa de Programando juntos

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Fine-tuning Open Source LLMs with Mistral

Andrea, a Computing Engineer at CERN, and Josep, a Data Scientist at the Catalan Tourist Board, will walk you through the steps needed to customize the open-source Mistral LLM.
Josep Ferrer's photo

Josep Ferrer

Andrea Valenzuela's photo

Andrea Valenzuela

16 de julio de 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Natural Language Interfaces to Software with GPT-4o Function Calling

Richie, a Senior Data Evangelist at DataCamp, shows you how to use the function calling features in the OpenAI API and GPT-4o to create a simple AI assistant that has a natural language interface.
Richie Cotton's photo

Richie Cotton

11 de julio de 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Creating AI Assistants with GPT-4o

In this code-along, Richie shows you how to use the OpenAI API and GPT-4o to create an AI assistant for data science tasks.
Richie Cotton's photo

Richie Cotton

11 de junio de 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Only Code If You Want To: Data Science with DataLab (Part 2)

Find out how AI assistance can boost your productivity in a more traditional notebook setting.
Joe Franklin's photo

Joe Franklin

29 de mayo de 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Only Code If You Want To: Data Science with DataLab (Part 1)

Find out how to use DataLab's chat interface to perform data analysis using a completely conversational workflow.
Filip Schouwenaars's photo

Filip Schouwenaars

28 de mayo de 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Getting Started with Machine Learning Using ChatGPT

In this session Francesca Donadoni, a Curriculum Manager at DataCamp, shows you how to make use of ChatGPT to implement a simple machine learning workflow.
Francesca Donadoni's photo

Francesca Donadoni

7 de mayo de 2024

Data Analysis

Getting Started With Data Analysis in Alteryx Cloud

In this session, you'll learn how to get started with the Alteryx AI Platform by performing data analysis using Alteryx Designer Cloud.
Joshua Burkhow's photo

Joshua Burkhow

1 de mayo de 2024