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Data Science Articles

Read advice, learn new skills, & advance your data career in our data science blog. We talk about programming languages, industry news, & much more.
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Data Science

How Data Storytelling Could Save Lives–The Case Study of Semmelweis

Effective data storytelling allows practitioners to drive action with their insights. In a recent webinar, Brent Dykes explored how data storytelling could have helped Ignaz Semmelweis, a pioneer of germ theory, gain adoption of his insights—and save lives in the process.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

December 22, 2021

Data Science

The Future of Data Science in Insurance: Moving from an Analytics Garage to a Factory

The insurance industry is rife with data and potential use cases. In a recent webinar, Allianz Benelux Regional Chief Data & Analytics Officer Sudaman T M outlined how in order to scale value from data, insurance organizations should look to move from “analytics garages”, to “analytics factories”.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

December 22, 2021

Data Science

How to ship data science projects quickly

Developing and deploying robust data science projects requires strong project management practices specific to data science. On a recent webinar, Brian Campbell discussed his best practices for managing data science projects effectively. Find out what they are here.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

December 14, 2021

Data Science

Data Science in Insurance Today

The insurance industry is rife with data and data science use-cases that provide value. In a recent webinar, Allianz Benelux Regional Chief Data & Analytics Officer Sudaman T M explored the state of data science in the industry today.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

December 7, 2021

Data Science

3 types of collaborators on data science projects

Successfully shipping data science projects requires collaborating with various types of stakeholders. Who are these stakeholders? On a recent webinar, Brian Campbell unpacked 3 types of collaborators you can find in every data science project.
DataCamp Team's photo

DataCamp Team

December 2, 2021

Data Science

25 Interesting facts about data science

Did you know there are three times as many data scientist job posts on LinkedIn as there are data scientists in the world? Read this and other interesting data science facts here!
Shaun Edmond's photo

Shaun Edmond

November 30, 2021

Khuyen Tran's photo

Khuyen Tran

October 29, 2021

Data Science

Florence Nightingale: Pioneer of Data Visualization

Did you know that data visualization has origins in military healthcare reforms? In this blog post, we discuss how the famous nurse Florence Nightingale used charts to demonstrate her life-saving work to her target audience.
Shaun Edmond's photo

Shaun Edmond

October 7, 2021

Data Science

5 steps to building a learning culture in your organization

Creating a learning culture that sustains continuous learning is foundational for the ability to succeed in the digital age.

Kevin Babitz

September 15, 2021

Data Science

How can I get certified in data science?

Find out about all the different ways to get certified in data science and the factors you should consider when making your decision.
Shaun Edmond's photo

Shaun Edmond

August 26, 2021

Data Science

Top 5 online data science certifications

In this blog post, we discuss five of the best online certifications, each of which specializes in different software.
Shaun Edmond's photo

Shaun Edmond

August 6, 2021

Data Science

Scaling Data Science With Data Governance

The immense potential of data science and analytics is well recognized by businesses across all industries. But for these data science initiatives to succeed and scale, the data must first be relevant, accessible, and of high quality. This is where data governance tools come in to serve as vital enablers in the automation of governance operations and data stewardship efforts.
Kenneth Leung's photo

Kenneth Leung

June 30, 2021