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Data Science Tutorials

Develop your data science skills with tutorials in our blog. We cover everything from intricate data visualizations in Tableau to version control features in Git.
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How to Use SQL PIVOT

Enhance your SQL skills with the SQL PIVOT operator. Learn to convert rows into columns to create pivot tables in SQL Server and Oracle.
Allan Ouko's photo

Allan Ouko

July 26, 2024


Understanding the SQL SUM() Function and Its Use Cases

Discover the power of the SQL SUM() function for data aggregation. Learn how to implement rolling sums, cumulative sums, and sum multiple columns effectively.
Allan Ouko's photo

Allan Ouko

July 25, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Zero-Shot Prompting: Examples, Theory, Use Cases

Zero-shot prompting is a technique in which an AI model is given a task or question without any prior examples or specific training on that task, relying solely on its pre-existing knowledge to generate a response.
Dr Ana Rojo-Echeburúa's photo

Dr Ana Rojo-Echeburúa

July 21, 2024



Discover the output and performance differences between UNION and UNION ALL: UNION removes duplicates while UNION ALL includes them.
Vikash Singh's photo

Vikash Singh

July 19, 2024


How to Combine VLOOKUP() with IF() in Excel

Combine VLOOKUP() with IF() for efficient data analysis, including conditional lookups, error handling, and dynamic column indexing.
Laiba Siddiqui's photo

Laiba Siddiqui

July 18, 2024


What is Manhattan Distance?

Learn how to calculate and apply Manhattan Distance with coding examples in Python and R, and explore its use in machine learning and pathfinding.
Vinod Chugani's photo

Vinod Chugani

July 17, 2024


Python: Remove Duplicates From A List (Five Solutions)

To remove duplicates from a Python list while preserving order, create a dictionary from the list and then extract its keys as a new list: list(dict.fromkeys(my_list)).
Stephen Gruppetta's photo

Stephen Gruppetta

July 16, 2024