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Machine Learning Tutorial

Get insights & best practices into AI & machine learning, upskill, and build data cultures. Learn how to get the most out of machine learning models with our tutorials.
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Machine Learning

Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python: A Complete Guide for ML Optimization

Learn Stochastic Gradient Descent, an essential optimization technique for machine learning, with this comprehensive Python guide. Perfect for beginners and experts.
Bex Tuychiev's photo

Bex Tuychiev

July 24, 2024


A Beginner’s Guide to the ElevenLabs API: Transform Text and Voice into Dynamic Audio Experiences

Harness the capabilities of the ElevenLabs API, a powerful AI voice generator. Learn how to transform text into speech and clone voices with this technology.
Stanislav Karzhev's photo

Stanislav Karzhev

May 17, 2024

Machine Learning

An Introduction to Vector Databases For Machine Learning: A Hands-On Guide With Examples

Explore vector databases in ML with our guide. Learn to implement vector embeddings and practical applications.
Gary Alway's photo

Gary Alway

April 26, 2024


A Comprehensive Tutorial on Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in Python With Pytesseract

Master the fundamentals of optical character recognition in OCR with PyTesseract and OpenCV.
Bex Tuychiev's photo

Bex Tuychiev

April 23, 2024

Machine Learning

ML Workflow Orchestration With Prefect

Learn everything about a powerful and open-source workflow orchestration tool. Build, deploy, and execute your first machine learning workflow on your local machine and the cloud with this simple guide.
Abid Ali Awan's photo

Abid Ali Awan

April 5, 2024

Machine Learning

A Beginner's Guide to Azure Machine Learning

Explore Azure Machine Learning in our beginner's guide to setting up, deploying models, and leveraging AutoML & ML Studio in the Azure ecosystem.
Moez Ali's photo

Moez Ali

March 21, 2024

Machine Learning

An Introduction to the Mamba LLM Architecture: A New Paradigm in Machine Learning

Discover the power of Mamba LLM, a transformative architecture from leading universities, redefining sequence processing in AI.
Kurtis Pykes 's photo

Kurtis Pykes

March 7, 2024

Machine Learning

OpenCV Tutorial: Unlock the Power of Visual Data Processing

This article provides a comprehensive guide on utilizing the OpenCV library for image and video processing within a Python environment. We dive into the wide range of image processing functionalities OpenCV offers, from basic techniques to more advanced applications.
Richmond Alake's photo

Richmond Alake

February 22, 2024

Machine Learning

A Beginner's Guide to CI/CD for Machine Learning

Learn how to automate model training, evaluation, versioning, and deployment using GitHub Actions with the easiest MLOps guide available online.
Abid Ali Awan's photo

Abid Ali Awan

February 16, 2024


An End-to-End ML Model Monitoring Workflow with NannyML in Python

Learn an end-to-end workflow to monitor any model in your Jupyter notebook in production environments.
Bex Tuychiev's photo

Bex Tuychiev

February 8, 2024