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Data Science Tutorials

Advance your data career with our data science tutorials. We walk you through challenging data science functions and models step-by-step.
Other topics:

What is Manhattan Distance?

Learn how to calculate and apply Manhattan Distance with coding examples in Python and R, and explore its use in machine learning and pathfinding.
Vinod Chugani's photo

Vinod Chugani

July 17, 2024

Data Science

How to Write Memory-Efficient Classes in Python

Learn about memory management in Python with advanced techniques for coding memory-efficient classes. Explore practical exercises for optimal performance.
Arunn Thevapalan's photo

Arunn Thevapalan

July 4, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

What Is One Hot Encoding and How to Implement It in Python

One-hot encoding is a technique used to convert categorical data into a binary format where each category is represented by a separate column with a 1 indicating its presence and 0s for all other categories.
Dr Ana Rojo-Echeburúa's photo

Dr Ana Rojo-Echeburúa

June 26, 2024


A Comprehensive Guide to K-Fold Cross Validation

Learn how K-Fold Cross-Validation works and its advantages and disadvantages. Discover how to implement K-Fold Cross-Validation in Python with scikit-learn.
Vinod Chugani's photo

Vinod Chugani

June 21, 2024


How to Convert String to Bytes in Python

In Python, use the .encode() method on a string to convert it into bytes, optionally specifying the desired encoding (UTF-8 by default).
Stephen Gruppetta's photo

Stephen Gruppetta

June 5, 2024


Python Cache: Two Simple Methods

Learn to use decorators like @functools.lru_cache or @functools.cache to cache functions in Python.
Stephen Gruppetta's photo

Stephen Gruppetta

May 16, 2024

Data Analysis

What is an IDE? A Guide For Aspiring Data Scientists and Developers

Boost your productivity and make debugging a breeze. Find the right Integrated Development Environment for your needs.
Amberle McKee's photo

Amberle McKee

May 15, 2024