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Data Manipulation with Python

Real-world data is messy. That’s why libraries like pandas are so valuable. Using pandas, you can take the pain out of data manipulation by extracting, filtering, and transforming data in DataFrames, clearing a path for quick and reliable data analysis.  If you want to improve your data wrangling skills, this is the track for you. You’ll learn how to prepare real-world data for analysis and grow your expertise as you work with multiple DataFrames using pandas. You’ll also gain hands-on experience of how to combine, merge, and create visualizations. At the end of the track, you'll learn all about NumPy arrays and use New York City’s tree census data to create, sort, filter, and update arrays. Start this track and discover how pandas and NumPy can save you time manipulating data.

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Data Manipulation with pandas

Learn how to import and clean data, calculate statistics, and create visualizations with pandas.

4 hours

Maggie Matsui Headshot

Maggie Matsui

Curriculum Manager at DataCamp

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