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Tidyverse Fundamentals with R

Experience the whole data science pipeline, from importing and tidying data to wrangling and visualizing data to modeling and communicating with data. Gain exposure to each component of this pipeline from a variety of different perspectives in this tidyverse R track. You’ll start by exploring the fundamentals of the tidyverse, a collection of data science tools within R. Here, you’ll learn how to use the tidyverse to analyze and visualize your own data. You’ll cover how to reshape data with tidyr, and how to complete linear regressions in a tidy framework. As you progress, you’ll use your skills and knowledge to perform analysis on real data sets, learning how to use tidyverse tools to visualize and communicate your findings. By the time you finish, you’ll have explored several tools in the tidyverse and have the confidence to work with data sets using these tools.

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Introduction to the Tidyverse

Get started on the path to exploring and visualizing your own data with the tidyverse, a powerful and popular collection of data science tools within R.

4 hours

David Robinson Headshot

David Robinson

Principal Data Scientist at Heap

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