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Data science courses

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500 results

Exploratory Data Analysis in R

Learn how to use graphical and numerical techniques to begin uncovering the structure of your data.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagExploratory Data AnalysisUserAndrew BrayLearncourse

Financial Modeling in Excel

Learn about Excel financial modeling, including cash flow, scenario analysis, time value, and capital budgeting.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagApplied FinanceUserNick EdwardsLearncourse

Machine Learning for Business

Understand the fundamentals of Machine Learning and how its applied in the business world.

Clock2-3 hoursTagMachine LearningUserKarolis UrbonasLearncourse

Introduction to dbt

This course introduces dbt for data modeling, transformations, testing, and building documentation.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagData EngineeringUserMike MetzgerLearncourse

Software Engineering Principles in Python

Learn about modularity, documentation, and automated testing to help you solve data science problems more quickly and reliably.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagSoftware DevelopmentUserAdam SpannbauerLearncourse

Report Design in Power BI

Continue your data visualization journey where youll learn practical techniques for incorporating DAX measures and progressive disclosure in your reports.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagData VisualizationUserKevin FeaselLearncourse

Trend Analysis in Power BI

Enhance your reports with trend analysis techniques such as time series, decomposition trees, and key influencers.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagData ManipulationUserJacob MarquezLearncourse

End-to-End Machine Learning

Dive into the world of machine learning and discover how to design, train, and deploy end-to-end models.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagMachine LearningUserJoshua StapletonLearncourse

Introduction to Importing Data in R

In this course, you will learn to read CSV, XLS, and text files in R using tools like readxl and data.table.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagData PreparationUserFilip SchouwenaarsLearncourse

Data Connections in Power BI

Discover the different ways you can enhance your Power BI data importing skills.

Clock2-3 hoursTagData ManipulationUserIason PrassidesLearncourse

Python for Spreadsheet Users

Use your knowledge of common spreadsheet functions and techniques to explore Python!

ClockOver 3 hoursTagSoftware DevelopmentUserDataCamp Content CreatorLearncourse

Introduction to BigQuery

Unlock BigQuerys power: grasp its fundamentals, execute queries, and optimize workflows for efficient data analysis.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagData EngineeringUserMatt ForrestLearncourse

Working with Hugging Face

Navigate and use the extensive repository of models and datasets available on the Hugging Face Hub.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagArtificial IntelligenceUserJacob MarquezLearncourse

Power Pivot in Excel

Master Power Pivot in Excel to help import data, create relationships, and utilize DAX. Build dynamic dashboards to uncover actionable insights.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagData ManipulationUserNick EdwardsLearncourse

AWS Cloud Technology and Services

Master AWS cloud technology with our course - ideal for hands-on learning and practical applications in the AWS ecosystem.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagCloudUserRahulraj SinghLearncourse

Azure Architecture and Services

This course dives deeper into the Azures backbone by going into topics like containers, virtual machines and much more.

Clock2-3 hoursTagCloudUserFlorin AngelescuLearncourse

Applying SQL to Real-World Problems

Find tables, store and manage new tables and views, and write maintainable SQL code to answer business questions.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagReportingUserDmitriy GorenshteynLearncourse

Case Study: Analyzing Customer Churn in Excel

You will investigate a dataset from a fictitious company called Databel in Excel, and need to figure out why customers are churning.

Clock1-2 hoursTagReportingUserJess AhmetLearncourse

Intermediate SQL Server

In this course, you will use T-SQL, the flavor of SQL used in Microsofts SQL Server for data analysis.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagSoftware DevelopmentUserGinger GrantLearncourse

Time Series Analysis in Python

In this four-hour course, you’ll learn the basics of analyzing time series data in Python.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagProbability & StatisticsUserRob ReiderLearncourse

Introduction to Data Quality

Explore the basics of data quality management. Learn the key concepts, dimensions, and techniques for monitoring and improving data quality.

Clock2-3 hoursTagData ManagementUserChrissy BloomLearncourse

Experimental Design in Python

Implement experimental design setups and perform robust statistical analyses to make precise and valid conclusions!

ClockOver 3 hoursTagProbability & StatisticsUserJames ChapmanLearncourse

Linear Classifiers in Python

In this course you will learn the details of linear classifiers like logistic regression and SVM.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagMachine LearningUserMike GelbartLearncourse

Forming Analytical Questions

Learn how to translate business questions to well-formed analytical questions and select the right analytical solutions.

Clock1-2 hoursTagData LiteracyUserKonstantinos KattidisLearncourse

Cleaning Data in R

Learn to clean data as quickly and accurately as possible to help your business move from raw data to awesome insights.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagData PreparationUserMaggie MatsuiLearncourse

Introduction to Databricks

Learn about the Databricks Lakehouse platform and how it can modernize data architectures and improve data management processes.

ClockOver 3 hoursTagData EngineeringUserKevin BarlowLearncourse

