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Analyzing Police Activity with pandas

Updated 12/2024
Explore the Stanford Open Policing Project dataset and analyze the impact of gender on police behavior using pandas.
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PythonManipulation des données4 heures16 vidéos50 exercices4,100 XP64,838Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Now that you have learned the foundations of pandas, this course will give you the chance to apply that knowledge by answering interesting questions about a real dataset! You will explore the Stanford Open Policing Project dataset and analyze the impact of gender on police behavior. During the course, you will gain more practice cleaning messy data, creating visualizations, combining and reshaping datasets, and manipulating time series data. Analyzing Police Activity with pandas will give you valuable experience analyzing a dataset from start to finish, preparing you for your data science career!

Conditions préalables

Joining Data with pandas

Preparing the data for analysis

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Exploring the relationship between gender and policing

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Visual exploratory data analysis

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Analyzing the effect of weather on policing

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Analyzing Police Activity with pandas

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