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Exploratory Data Analysis in R

Updated 12/2024
Learn how to use graphical and numerical techniques to begin uncovering the structure of your data.
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RAnalyse exploratoire des données4 heures15 vidéos54 exercices3,950 XP104,884Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

When your dataset is represented as a table or a database, it's difficult to observe much about it beyond its size and the types of variables it contains. In this course, you'll learn how to use graphical and numerical techniques to begin uncovering the structure of your data. Which variables suggest interesting relationships? Which observations are unusual? By the end of the course, you'll be able to answer these questions and more, while generating graphics that are both insightful and beautiful.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to Statistics in RIntroduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2

Exploring Categorical Data

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Exploring Numerical Data

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Numerical Summaries

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Exploratory Data Analysis in R

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