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Introduction to Importing Data in Python

Updated 12/2024
Learn to import data into Python from various sources, such as Excel, SQL, SAS and right from the web.
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Description du cours

As a data scientist, you will need to clean data, wrangle and munge it, visualize it, build predictive models, and interpret these models. Before you can do so, however, you will need to know how to get data into Python. In this course, you'll learn the many ways to import data into Python: from flat files such as .txt and .csv; from files native to other software such as Excel spreadsheets, Stata, SAS, and MATLAB files; and from relational databases such as SQLite and PostgreSQL.

Conditions préalables

Intermediate Python

Introduction and flat files

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Importing data from other file types

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Working with relational databases in Python

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Introduction to Importing Data in Python

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