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Introduction to Importing Data in R

Updated 12/2024
In this course, you will learn to read CSV, XLS, and text files in R using tools like readxl and data.table.
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RPréparation des données3 heures10 vidéos37 exercices3,150 XP193,920Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Importing data into R should be the easiest step in your analysis. Unfortunately, that is almost never the case. Data can come in many formats, ranging from .csv and text files, to statistical software files, to databases and HTML data. Knowing which approach to use is key to getting started with the actual analysis. In this course, you’ll start by learning how to read .csv and text files in R. You will then cover the readr and data.table packages to easily and efficiently import flat file data. After that, you will learn how to read .xls files in R using readxl.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to R

Importing data from flat files with utils

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readr & data.table

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Importing Excel data

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Reproducible Excel work with XLConnect

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Introduction to Importing Data in R

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