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Software Engineering Principles in Python

Updated 12/2024
Learn about modularity, documentation, and automated testing to help you solve data science problems more quickly and reliably.
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PythonDéveloppement de logiciels4 heures15 vidéos51 exercices4,100 XP48,309Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Data scientists can experience huge benefits by learning concepts from the field of software engineering, allowing them to more easily reutilize their code and share it with collaborators. In this course, you'll learn all about the important ideas of modularity, documentation, & automated testing, and you'll see how they can help you solve Data Science problems quicker and in a way that will make future you happy. You'll even get to use your acquired software engineering chops to write your very own Python package for performing text analytics.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to Functions in Python

Software Engineering & Data Science

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Writing a Python Module

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Utilizing Classes

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Software Engineering Principles in Python

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