Case Study: Analyzing Customer Churn in Tableau
Updated 12/2024Commencer le cours gratuitement
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Description du cours
Apply your Tableau skills with a Case Study
For subscription-based businesses, reducing customer churn is a top priority. In this Tableau case study, you'll investigate a dataset from an example telecom company called Databel and analyze their churn rates.Understand why customers churn
Analyzing churn doesn’t just mean knowing what the churn rate is: it’s also about figuring out why customers are churning at the rate they are, and how to reduce churn. You'll answer these questions by creating calculated fields and various visualizations in Tableau, such as dual-axis graphs and scatter plots. You'll make your graphs dynamic by using filters and parameters, and combine everything into a story to share your insights.Conditions préalables
Introduction to TableauAnalyzing Data in TableauCreating Dashboards in Tableau1
Exploratory analysis
Investigating churn patterns
Visualizing your analysis
Case Study: Analyzing Customer Churn in Tableau
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