Case Study: HR Analytics in Power BI
Updated 12/2024Commencer le cours gratuitement
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Description du cours
Apply Your Skills with a Power BI Case Study
In this Power BI case study, you will be exploring a dataset for a fictitious software company called Atlas Labs. This course focuses on helping you import, analyze and visualize Human Resources data in Power BI. Building on your existing knowledge of the platform, you'll learn how to effectively work with Power BI using example data.Carry Out Exploratory Data Analysis
You’ll carry out exploratory data analysis and will use DAX to help build powerful visualizations. You’ll finish your analysis by diving deeper into attrition and what factors impact attrition. This analysis will help the organization determine what action they will need to take to retain more employees.Build Branded Power BI Reports
We’ll finalize the case study by making design changes to our report that provide a clean, branded design.Conditions préalables
Data Modeling in Power BIIntroduction to DAX in Power BI1
Data Modeling and EDA
Analyzing Demographics and Performance
Bringing it all together
Case Study: HR Analytics in Power BI
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