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Cleaning Data in PostgreSQL Databases

Updated 12/2024
Learn to tame your raw, messy data stored in a PostgreSQL database to extract accurate insights.
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SQLPréparation des données4 heures15 vidéos49 exercices4,050 XP10,934Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

If you surveyed a large number of data scientists and data analysts about which tasks are most common in their workday, cleaning data would likely be in almost all responses. This is the case because real-world data is messy. To help you tame messy data, this course teaches you how to clean data stored in a PostgreSQL database. You’ll learn how to solve common problems such as how to clean messy strings, deal with empty values, compare the similarity between strings, and much more. You’ll get hands-on practice with these tasks using interesting (but messy) datasets made available by New York City's Open Data program. Are you ready to whip that messy data into shape?

Conditions préalables

Data Manipulation in SQL

Data Cleaning Basics

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Missing, Duplicate, and Invalid Data

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Converting Data

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Transforming Data

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Cleaning Data in PostgreSQL Databases

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