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Communicating Data Insights

Updated 12/2024
Data-driven organizations consistently rely on insights to inspire action and drive change.
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TheoryDatalphabétisation2 heures12 vidéos38 exercices2,600 XP29,500Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Understand the Importance of Data-driven Insights

Data-driven organizations consistently rely on insights to inspire action and drive change. Communicating these insights clearly and effectively is becoming increasingly important to stand out in our data-rich environment. This non-technical course will give you the skills to feel confident in understanding and communicating data insights.

You’ll start by learning why insights from data are valuable to organizations and how to select the proper method for sharing your knowledge with others. You’ll learn to distinguish between the four types of communication and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Explore the Power of Visualizations

You will uncover why visualizations are one of the most powerful tools for communicating data insights. You’ll also explore how to apply best practices and internalize the core concepts behind compelling visualizations.

You’ll finish by diving into data storytelling to bring all your new skills to life in one neat package. By the end of the course, you’ll have leveled up your communication skills through the power of narrative, visualizations, and context to become an expert communicator with data.

Conditions préalables

Il n’y a pas de prérequis pour ce cours

Communicating Information

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Effective Data Visuals

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Storytelling with Data

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Communicating Data Insights

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