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Customer Segmentation in Python

Updated 12/2024
Learn how to segment customers in Python.
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Essayer DataCamp for Business

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Description du cours

The most successful companies today are the ones that know their customers so well that they can anticipate their needs. Data analysts play a key role in unlocking these in-depth insights, and segmenting the customers to better serve them. In this course, you will learn real-world techniques on customer segmentation and behavioral analytics, using a real dataset containing anonymized customer transactions from an online retailer. You will first run cohort analysis to understand customer trends. You will then learn how to build easy to interpret customer segments. On top of that, you will prepare the segments you created, making them ready for machine learning. Finally, you will make your segments more powerful with k-means clustering, in just few lines of code! By the end of this course, you will be able to apply practical customer behavioral analytics and segmentation techniques.

Conditions préalables

Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

Cohort Analysis

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Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value Analysis

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Data Preprocessing for Clustering

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Customer Segmentation with K-means

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Customer Segmentation in Python

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