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Intermediate Network Analysis in Python

Updated 12/2024
Analyze time series graphs, use bipartite graphs, and gain the skills to tackle advanced problems in network analytics.
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PythonProbabilités et statistiques4 heures13 vidéos46 exercices3,850 XP13,166Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Have you taken DataCamp's Introduction to Network Analysis in Python course and are yearning to learn more sophisticated techniques to analyze your networks, whether they be social, transportation, or biological? Then this is the course for you! Herein, you'll build on your knowledge and skills to tackle more advanced problems in network analytics! You'll gain the conceptual and practical skills to analyze evolving time series of networks, learn about bipartite graphs, and how to use bipartite graphs in product recommendation systems. You'll also learn about graph projections, why they're so useful in Data Science, and figure out the best ways to store and load graph data from files. You'll consolidate all of this knowledge in a final chapter case study, in which you'll analyze a forum dataset and come out of this course a Pythonista Network Analyst ninja!

Conditions préalables

Introduction to Network Analysis in Python

Bipartite graphs & product recommendation systems

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Graph projections

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Comparing graphs & time-dynamic graphs

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Intermediate Network Analysis in Python

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