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Intermediate SQL Server

Updated 12/2024
In this course, you will use T-SQL, the flavor of SQL used in Microsoft's SQL Server for data analysis.
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SQLDéveloppement de logiciels4 heures14 vidéos47 exercices3,850 XP58,093Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

A majority of data is stored in databases and knowing the necessary tools needed to analyze and clean data directly in databases is indispensable. This course focuses on T-SQL, the version of SQL used in Microsoft SQL Server, needed for data analysis. You will learn several concepts in this course such as dealing with missing data, working with dates, and calculating summary statistics using advanced queries. After completing this course, you will have the skills needed to analyze data and provide insights quickly and easily.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to SQL Server

Summarizing Data

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Math Functions

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Processing Data in SQL Server

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Window Functions

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Intermediate SQL Server

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