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Introduction to Bioconductor in R

Updated 12/2024
Learn to use essential Bioconductor packages for bioinformatics using datasets from viruses, fungi, humans, and plants!
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Description du cours

Much of the biological research, from medicine to biotech, is moving toward sequence analysis. We are now generating targeted and whole genome big data, which needs to be analyzed to answer biological questions. To help you get started, you will be introduced to The Bioconductor project. Bioconductor is and builds the infrastructure to share software tools (packages), workflows and datasets for the analysis and comprehension of genomic data. Bioconductor is a great platform accessible to you, and it is a community developed open software resource. By the end of this course, you will be able to use essential Bioconductor packages and get a grasp of its infrastructure and some built-in datasets. Using BSgenome, Biostrings, IRanges, GenomicRanges, TxDB, ShortRead and Rqc with real datasets from different species is going to be an exceptional experience!

Conditions préalables

Introduction to RIntroduction to the Tidyverse

What is Bioconductor?

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Biostrings and When to Use Them?

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IRanges and GenomicRanges

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Introducing ShortRead

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Introduction to Bioconductor in R

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