Introduction to Data Versioning with DVC
Updated 12/2024Commencer le cours gratuitement
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Description du cours
Exploring DVC features
You will understand the motivations behind data versioning, the machine learning lifecycle, and DVC’s distinct features and use cases. You will also learn about DVC setup, covering installation, repository initialization, and the .dvcignore file. You will explore DVC cache and staging files, learn to add and remove files, manage caches, and understand the underlying mechanisms. You will learn about DVC remotes, explain the distinction between DVC and Git remotes, add remotes, list them, and modify them. You will learn to interact with remotes, push and pull data, check out specific versions, and fetch data to the cache.Automate and evaluate
You will be motivated to automate ML pipelines, emphasizing modularization of code and the creation of a configuration file. You will be introduced to DVC pipelines as directed acyclic graphs, with hands-on experience in adding stages and their inputs and outputs. You will practice executing these pipelines efficiently to enable different use cases in machine learning model training. The course concludes with a focus on evaluation, showcasing how metrics and plots are tracked in DVC.Conditions préalables
Supervised Learning with scikit-learnFoundations of Git1
Introduction to DVC
DVC Configuration and Data Management
Pipelines in DVC
Introduction to Data Versioning with DVC
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