Introduction to Oracle SQL
Updated 12/2024Commencer le cours gratuitement
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SQLManipulation des données4 heures15 vidéos54 exercices4,500 XP13,205Déclaration de réalisation
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Description du cours
Gain an Introduction in Oracle SQL
Oracle SQL is one of the most widely used database management systems around the world. It's well suited to power primarily commercial and enterprise applications, and is particularly popular at large companies with mission-critical databases.This introductory course will teach you all the essentials you need to master Oracle SQL. This includes SQL basics, aggregating, combining, and customizing data in Oracle. You will apply your newly acquired knowledge to solve business problems for a digital media store using the Chinook data.
Practice Essential Skills Using Chinook data
The course begins by exploring SQL Basics. In this chapter, you will familiarize yourself with topics such as what is an Oracle database and relational databases, and essentially how to retrieve, order, and filter data.The last chapter will explain how Oracle SQL interprets your queries. You will then learn how to customize your outputs, handle missing values, and how to convert data from one type to another.
Further Develop Your Oracle SQL Skills
By the end of this course, you will understand how Oracle processes SQL queries and will have a solid foundation in Oracle SQL. With the growing importance of relational databases, comes a simultaneously increasing demand of RDBMS and SQL programmers. Explore our library to discover more about SQL and its RDBMS.Conditions préalables
Il n’y a pas de prérequis pour ce cours1
SQL Basics
Aggregating Data
Combining Data
Taking it to the Next Level
Introduction to Oracle SQL
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