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Introduction to Text Analysis in R

Updated 12/2024
Analyze text data in R using the tidy framework.
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Description du cours

From social media to product reviews, text is an increasingly important type of data across applications, including marketing analytics. In many instances, text is replacing other forms of unstructured data due to how inexpensive and current it is. However, to take advantage of everything that text has to offer, you need to know how to think about, clean, summarize, and model text. In this course, you will use the latest tidy tools to quickly and easily get started with text. You will learn how to wrangle and visualize text, perform sentiment analysis, and run and interpret topic models.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to the Tidyverse

Wrangling Text

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Visualizing Text

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Sentiment Analysis

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Topic Modeling

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Introduction to Text Analysis in R

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