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Market Basket Analysis in R

Updated 12/2024
Explore association rules in market basket analysis with R by analyzing retail data and creating movie recommendations.
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Description du cours

Last time you were at the supermarket, what was in your shopping basket? Was there a connection between the products you purchased, like spaghetti and tomatoes or ham and pineapple? Whether online or offline, retailers use information from millions of customer’s baskets to analyze associations between items and extract insights using association rules. To help you quantify the degree of association between items you’ll use market basket analysis to uncover unseen connections and visualize relevant and insightful rules. You’ll then get to practice what you’ve learned on a movie dataset, as you predict which movies are watched together to create personalized movie recommendations for users.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2Introduction to the Tidyverse

Introduction to Market Basket Analysis

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Metrics & Techniques in Market Basket Analysis

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Visualization in Market Basket Analysis

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Case Study: Market basket with Movies

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Market Basket Analysis in R

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