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Object-Oriented Programming with S3 and R6 in R

Updated 12/2024
Manage the complexity in your code using object-oriented programming with the S3 and R6 systems.
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Description du cours

Object-oriented programming (OOP) lets you specify relationships between functions and the objects that they can act on, helping you manage complexity in your code. This is an intermediate level course, providing an introduction to OOP, using the S3 and R6 systems. S3 is a great day-to-day R programming tool that simplifies some of the functions that you write. R6 is especially useful for industry-specific analyses, working with web APIs, and building GUIs.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to Writing Functions in R

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

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R6 Inheritance

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Advanced R6 Usage

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Object-Oriented Programming with S3 and R6 in R

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