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Performing Experiments in Python

Updated 12/2024
Learn about experimental design, and how to explore your data to ask and answer meaningful questions.
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PythonProbabilités et statistiques4 heures16 vidéos53 exercices4,400 XP7,759Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Data is all around us and can help us to understand many things. Making a pretty graph is great, but how can we tell the difference between a few outliers on a graph and a real, reliable effect? Is a trend that we see on a graph a reliable result or just random chance playing tricks? In this course, you will learn how to interrogate datasets in a rigorous way, giving clear answers to your questions. You will learn a range of statistical tests, how to apply them, how to understand their results, and how to deal with their shortcomings. Along the way, you will explore Olympic athlete data and the differences between populations of continents.

Conditions préalables

Foundations of Probability in Python

The Basics of Statistical Hypothesis Testing

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Design Considerations in Experimental Design

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Sample size, Power analysis, and Effect size

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Testing Normality: Parametric and Non-parametric Tests

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Performing Experiments in Python

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