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Supply Chain Analytics in Python

Updated 12/2024
Leverage the power of Python and PuLP to optimize supply chains.
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PythonAnalyse exploratoire des données4 heures16 vidéos48 exercices3,600 XP19,566Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Supply Chain Analytics transforms supply chain activities from guessing, to ones that makes decision using data. An essential tool in Supply Chain Analytics is using optimization analysis to assist in decision making. According to Deloitte, 79% of organizations with high performing supply chains achieve revenue growth that is significantly above average. This course will introduce you to PuLP, a Linear Program optimization modeler written in Python. Using PuLP, the course will show you how to formulate and answer Supply Chain optimization questions such as where a production facility should be located, how to allocate production demand across different facilities, and more. We will explore the results of the models and their implications through sensitivity and simulation testing. This course will help you position yourself to improve the decision making of a supply chain by leveraging the power of Python and PuLP.

Conditions préalables

Data Manipulation with pandas

Basics of supply chain optimization and PuLP

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Modeling in PuLP

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Solve and evaluate model

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Sensitivity and simulation testing of model

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Supply Chain Analytics in Python

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