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Survival Analysis in R

Updated 12/2024
Learn to work with time-to-event data. The event may be death or finding a job after unemployment. Learn to estimate, visualize, and interpret survival models!
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Description du cours

Do patients taking the new drug survive longer than others? How fast do people get a new job after getting unemployed? What can I do to make my friends stay on the dancefloor at my party? All these questions require the analysis of time-to-event data, for which we use special statistical methods. This course introduces basic concepts of time-to-event data analysis, also called survival analysis. Learn how to deal with time-to-event data and how to compute, visualize and interpret survivor curves as well as Weibull and Cox models.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to Regression in R

What is Survival Analysis?

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Estimation of survival curves

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The Weibull model

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The Cox Model

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Survival Analysis in R

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