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Performing a Code Review

Updated 08/2024
Review a data analysis workflow for adherence to Python standards and best-practices.
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PythonDéveloppement de logicielsIngénierie des données1 heure1 Task1,500 XP3,140

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Description du projet

Performing a Code Review

Similar to software engineering teams, data teams write and ship code that must execute in a production environment. Performing code reviews helps to ensure the integrity of this code, and often catches logic and style errors missed during initial development. In this project, you'll take on the role of a Senior Data Scientist, performing a code review for a Junior Data Scientist in your team. You'll review and make changes to their logic to ingest, clean, and visualize smartphone data to make sure it follows Python best practices, such as adhering to PEP-8 and DRY principles, as well as readability and documentation.

Performing a Code Review

Review a data analysis workflow for adherence to Python standards and best-practices.
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  • 1

    Hone your code-review skills by updating a Python notebook prepared by a Junior Data Scientist.

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