Partnering to Protect You from Peril
Updated 06/2024RManipulation des donnéesVisualisation des donnéesProbabilités et statistiques1 heure10 Tasks1,500 XP
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Description du projet
Partnering to Protect You from Peril
Partnering to Protect You from Peril
Examine the network of connections among local health departments in the United States.
- 1
Ebola, hurricanes, and forest fires, oh my
- 2
Cleaning up the network object
- 3
Getting to know the network
- 4
Connections facilitating coordination nationwide
- 5
Connections for regional coordination
- 6
Which health departments are central in Texas and Louisiana?
- 7
Visualizing the central health departments
- 8
What about state-level networks during emergencies?
- 9
Are central health departments urban?
- 10
Which health departments have high betweenness?
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