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AI Courses

AI courses delve into the theory and application of algorithms that enable machines to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks autonomously. Build your skills in topics such as generative AI, prompt engineering, deep learning and more.
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Recommended for AI beginners

Build your AI skills with interactive courses, curated by real-world experts


Introduction to ChatGPT

BeginnerSkill Level
1 hour
Learn how to use ChatGPT. Discover best practices for writing prompts and explore common business use cases for the powerful AI tool.


AI Fundamentals

10 hours
Discover the fundamentals of AI, dive into models like ChatGPT, and decode generative AI secrets to navigate the dynamic AI landscape.

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37 results


Introduction to ChatGPT

BeginnerSkill Level
1 hour
Learn how to use ChatGPT. Discover best practices for writing prompts and explore common business use cases for the powerful AI tool.


Understanding Artificial Intelligence

BeginnerSkill Level
2 hours
Uncover AIs challenges and societal implications in this theoretical course. Discover machine learning, deep learning, NLP, generative models & more.


Generative AI Concepts

BeginnerSkill Level
2 hours
Discover how to begin responsibly leveraging generative AI. Learn how generative AI models are developed and how they will impact society moving forward.


Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch

IntermediateSkill Level
4 hours
Learn the power of deep learning in PyTorch. Build your first neural network, adjust hyperparameters, and tackle classification and regression problems.


Large Language Models (LLMs) Concepts

BeginnerSkill Level
2 hours
Discover the full potential of LLMs with our conceptual course covering LLM applications, training methodologies, ethical considerations, and latest research.


Understanding Prompt Engineering

BeginnerSkill Level
1 hour
Master ChatGPT for business and creativity: Learn prompt engineering, few-shot learning, and response evaluation.


Working with the OpenAI API

BeginnerSkill Level
3 hours
Start your journey developing AI-powered applications with the OpenAI API. Learn about the functionality that underpins popular AI applications like ChatGPT.


Implementing AI Solutions in Business

BeginnerSkill Level
2 hours
Discover how to extract business value from AI. Learn to scope opportunities for AI, create POCs, implement solutions, and develop an AI strategy.


AI Ethics

BeginnerSkill Level
1 hour
Explore AI ethics focusing on principles, fairness, bias reduction, and trust in AI design.


ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers

IntermediateSkill Level
4 hours
Dive deep into the principles and best practices of prompt engineering to leverage powerful language models like ChatGPT to solve real-world problems.


Introduction to LLMs in Python

AdvancedSkill Level
4 hours
Learn the nuts and bolts of LLMs and the revolutionary transformer architecture they are based on!


Intermediate Deep Learning with PyTorch

IntermediateSkill Level
4 hours
Learn about fundamental deep learning architectures such as CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs, and GRUs for modeling image and sequential data.


Generative AI for Business

BeginnerSkill Level
1 hour
Learn the role Generative Artificial Intelligence plays today and will play in the future in a business environment.


Working with Hugging Face

IntermediateSkill Level
4 hours
Navigate and use the extensive repository of models and datasets available on the Hugging Face Hub.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy

BeginnerSkill Level
3 hours
Learn how to blend business, data, and AI, and set goals to drive success with an effectively scalable AI Strategy.


Large Language Models for Business

BeginnerSkill Level
1 hour
Explore Large Language Models (LLMs) in business. Realize their value and where you can begin utilizing them today.


Responsible AI Data Management

IntermediateSkill Level
4 hours
Learn the theory behind responsibly managing your data for any AI project, from start to finish and beyond.


Deep Learning for Text with PyTorch

AdvancedSkill Level
4 hours
Discover the exciting world of Deep Learning for Text with PyTorch and unlock new possibilities in natural language processing and text generation.


Deep Learning for Images with PyTorch

AdvancedSkill Level
4 hours
Apply PyTorch to images and use deep learning models for object detection with bounding boxes and image segmentation generation.


Image Modeling with Keras

AdvancedSkill Level
4 hours
Learn to conduct image analysis using Keras with Python by constructing, training, and evaluating convolutional neural networks.


AI Security and Risk Management

BeginnerSkill Level
2 hours
Learn the fundamentals of AI security to protect systems from threats, align security with business goals, and mitigate key risks.


Responsible AI Practices

BeginnerSkill Level
2 hours
Master Responsible AI Practices with this comprehensive course, featuring real-world case studies and interactive content.


LLMOps Concepts

BeginnerSkill Level
3 hours
Learn about LLMOps from ideation to deployment, gain insights into the lifecycle and challenges, and learn how to apply these concepts to your applications.


Monetizing Artificial Intelligence

BeginnerSkill Level
1 hour
Explore AI and data monetization strategies, build ethical infrastructures, and align products with business goals.


Machine Translation with Keras

AdvancedSkill Level
4 hours
Are you curious about the inner workings of the models that are behind products like Google Translate?


Working with Llama 3

AdvancedSkill Level
4 hours
Explore the latest techniques for running the Llama LLM locally, fine-tuning it, and integrating it within your stack.
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Related resources on AI


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Frequently asked questions

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI), and why is it important?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a subfield of computer science aimed at creating intelligent agents capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. This includes activities like problem-solving, speech recognition, and decision-making. AI is important because it can improve efficiency, automate repetitive tasks, and solve complex problems more effectively than humans in some cases.

What skills do I need to learn AI?

You'll need a mix of technical and soft skills to learn AI. Key technical skills include programming (Python is widely used in AI for its simplicity and robust libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch), statistics and probability (to understand models and algorithms), and machine learning concepts. Knowledge in data structures, algorithms, and computational thinking is also beneficial. Soft skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, are important for working in teams and understanding project requirements.

How will learning AI benefit my career?

Learning AI now is timely due to its growing relevance in various industries and the proliferation of generative AI, leading to significant job growth and high demand for AI expertise. This field is recognized for offering high-paying roles, reflecting the value and impact of AI skills in the market. Moreover, AI provides an intellectually stimulating career, challenging professionals to solve complex problems, innovate, and continuously learn.

Are DataCamp’s AI courses suitable for anyone?

DataCamp offers AI courses designed for learners at every level. Whether you're looking to grasp the fundamental concepts behind AI, understand how to utilize tools like ChatGPT more effectively, or you're an experienced professional aiming to tackle advanced projects like building deep learning models, DataCamp has courses tailored to meet your needs. This makes DataCamp an ideal platform for anyone interested in AI, from beginners to those with well-established proficiency seeking to advance their skills further.

What careers are there in AI?

Careers in AI span a wide range, from AI research scientists and machine learning engineers to data scientists and AI software developers. These roles involve developing AI models, analyzing data, and applying AI technologies to solve real-world problems.

What’s the difference between AI and machine learning courses?

AI courses cover a broad spectrum of topics including the theory behind artificial intelligence, its applications, and ethical considerations, providing a foundational understanding of AI. Machine learning courses, on the other hand, focus specifically on algorithms and statistical models that computers use to perform tasks without explicit instructions, emphasizing the technical skills needed to implement AI.

Can I learn AI without coding?

While a background in programming can be highly beneficial, it's not strictly necessary to start learning AI. Many of our courses and resources are designed for those without coding knowledge who are looking to start upskilling in AI from scratch or simply better understand AI and how to use AI tools.

However, as you progress, a strong understanding of programming, especially in languages like Python, will be crucial for implementing AI models and algorithms effectively.

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