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Bond Valuation and Analysis in R

Updated 12/2024
Learn to use R to develop models to evaluate and analyze bonds as well as protect them from interest rate changes.
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Description du cours

After this course on quantitative finance with R, you will be able to use R to develop a model to value a fixed interest rate bond, estimate and analyze a bond's yield (i.e., a measure of the opportunity cost of bond investors), and model techniques used to protect bond portfolios from changes in interest rates. Why value bonds? Bonds are securities issued by governments or corporations that pay interest over a fixed schedule and are the most well-known type of fixed income securities. The US fixed income market is 1.5x larger than the US stock market, but, unlike stocks, most fixed income instruments, including bonds, trade very infrequently. Consequently, a bond's price may be a less reliable indicator of its value and analytical techniques are necessary when analyzing and valuing bonds.

Conditions préalables

Importing and Managing Financial Data in R

Introduction and Plain Vanilla Bond Valuation

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Yield to Maturity

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Duration and Convexity

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Comprehensive Example

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Bond Valuation and Analysis in R

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