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Intermediate Functional Programming with purrr

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Updated 12.2024
Continue learning with purrr to create robust, clean, and easy to maintain iterative code.
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Have you ever been wondering what the purrr description (“A functional programming toolkit for R”) refers to? Then, you’ve come to the right place! This course will walk you through the functional programming part of purrr - in other words, you will learn how to take full advantage of the flexibility offered by the .f in map(.x, .f) to iterate other lists, vectors and data.frame with a robust, clean, and easy to maintain code. During this course, you will learn how to write your own mappers (or lambda functions), and how to use predicates and adverbs. Finally, this new knowledge will be applied to a use case, so that you’ll be able to see how you can use this newly acquired knowledge on a concrete example of a simple nested list, how to extract, keep or discard elements, how to compose functions to manipulate and parse results from this list, how to integrate purrr workflow inside other functions, how to avoid copy and pasting with purrr functional tools.


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Intermediate Functional Programming with purrr

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