Datenanalyse in Excel
Lernen Sie, Daten mit PivotTables und logischen Funktionen zu analysieren, bevor Sie zu Prognosen übergehen.
Folgen Sie kurzen Videos, die von erfahrenen Trainern geleitet werden, und üben Sie das Gelernte mit interaktiven Übungen in Ihrem Browser.
Lernen Sie, Daten mit PivotTables und logischen Funktionen zu analysieren, bevor Sie zu Prognosen übergehen.
Learn to write SQL queries to calculate key metrics that businesses use to measure performance.
You will investigate a dataset from a fictitious company called Databel in Excel, and need to figure out why customers are churning.
Find tables, store and manage new tables and views, and write maintainable SQL code to answer business questions.
R Markdown is an easy-to-use formatting language for authoring dynamic reports from R code.
Learn how to build your own SQL reports and dashboards, plus hone your data exploration, cleaning, and validation skills.
Explore Power BI Service, master the interface, make informed decisions, and maximize the power of your reports.
Learn how to ensure clean data entry and build dynamic dashboards to display your marketing data.
Learn to create interactive dashboards with R using the powerful shinydashboard package. Create dynamic and engaging visualizations for your audience.
Practice your Shiny skills while building some fun Shiny apps for real-life scenarios!
Learn how to analyze business processes in R and extract actionable insights from enormous sets of event data.
In this course youll learn how to create static and interactive dashboards using flexdashboard and shiny.