Analyzing Unicorn Companies
Updated 04/2024Projekt Kostenlos Starten
Im Lieferumfang enthaltenPremium or Teams
1 Task1,500 XP9,976
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Versuchen DataCamp for BusinessProject Description
Which industries are booming? Where should your next investment be? With the rise of the ‘amateur investor’ and the availability of platforms enabling people to invest and sell stock in public companies, it’s never been a better time to understand the financial performance of companies across the globe!
Using a PostgreSQL database you’ll be able to analyze information about unicorn companies worth over $1 billion! You’ll find out which industries have the highest average valuation and then zoom in on these to determine how many new unicorns have been produced annually between 2019 and 2021!
Project Tasks
- 1Evaluate unicorn company data in a PostgreSQL database.
ProgrammingGeorge Boorman
Mehr AnzeigenCurriculum Manager, DataCamp