GARCH Models in R
Specify and fit GARCH models to forecast time-varying volatility and value-at-risk.
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Specify and fit GARCH models to forecast time-varying volatility and value-at-risk.
Learn to analyze and model customer choice data in R.
Analyze time series graphs, use bipartite graphs, and gain the skills to tackle advanced problems in network analytics.
Learn to build simple models of market response to increase the effectiveness of your marketing plans.
Are you curious about the inner workings of the models that are behind products like Google Translate?
Learn how to leverage Bayesian estimation methods to make better inferences about linear regression models.
In this course, youll learn how to implement more advanced Bayesian models using RJAGS.
Learn how to tune your models hyperparameters to get the best predictive results.
Learn how to write scalable code for working with big data in R using the bigmemory and iotools packages.
Build real-world applications with Python—practice using OOP and software engineering principles to write clean and maintainable code.