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70 Ergebnisse

GARCH Models in R

Specify and fit GARCH models to forecast time-varying volatility and value-at-risk.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagAngewandte FinanzwissenschaftUserKris BoudtLearnKurs

Choice Modeling for Marketing in R

Learn to analyze and model customer choice data in R.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagWahrscheinlichkeit und StatistikUserDataCamp Content CreatorLearnKurs

Intermediate Network Analysis in Python

Analyze time series graphs, use bipartite graphs, and gain the skills to tackle advanced problems in network analytics.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagWahrscheinlichkeit und StatistikUserEric MaLearnKurs

Building Response Models in R

Learn to build simple models of market response to increase the effectiveness of your marketing plans.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagWahrscheinlichkeit und StatistikUserDataCamp Content CreatorLearnKurs

Machine Translation with Keras

Are you curious about the inner workings of the models that are behind products like Google Translate?

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagKünstliche IntelligenzUserThushan GanegedaraLearnKurs

Bayesian Regression Modeling with rstanarm

Learn how to leverage Bayesian estimation methods to make better inferences about linear regression models.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagWahrscheinlichkeit und StatistikUserJake ThompsonLearnKurs

Bayesian Modeling with RJAGS

In this course, youll learn how to implement more advanced Bayesian models using RJAGS.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagWahrscheinlichkeit und StatistikUserAlicia JohnsonLearnKurs

Hyperparameter Tuning in R

Learn how to tune your models hyperparameters to get the best predictive results.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagMachine LearningUserShirin Elsinghorst (formerly Glander) LearnKurs

Scalable Data Processing in R

Learn how to write scalable code for working with big data in R using the bigmemory and iotools packages.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagSoftwareentwicklungUserMichael KaneLearnKurs

Case Study: Building Software in Python

Build real-world applications with Python—practice using OOP and software engineering principles to write clean and maintainable code.

ClockMehr als 3 StundenTagSoftwareentwicklungUserMark PedigoLearnKurs


