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Pivot Tables in Google Sheets

Learn how to create pivot tables and quickly organize thousands of data points with just a few clicks.

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2 horas13 vídeos54 exercícios
64.744 aprendizesTrophyDeclaração de Realização

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Descrição do Curso

Why Pivot Tables

Working with large quantities of data in Google Sheets can be difficult and time-consuming. Have you ever wished there was a quick and efficient way to organize and evaluate your data within seconds? Pivot Tables are your answer!

Introduction to Pivot Tables

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the powerful tool of pivot tables for data analysis within Google Sheets. It starts by explaining the basics of pivot tables, demonstrating how they can be used to quickly organize and summarize large datasets. Through practical examples, you’ll understand how to transform thousands of data points into clear and actionable insights.

Using Pivot Tables to conduct real-world data analysis

You will learn how to customize your pivot table by applying standard analyses like sorting, subtotaling, and filtering—as well as more advanced statistical analysis like creating calculated fields and counting both numerical and text fields.

Explore real-world applications by analyzing diverse datasets such as the average rainfall across multiple US cities, the Top 10 companies of the Fortune Global 500, and a selection of films released between 2010 and 2016.

Mastering custom Pivot Tables

By the end of the course, you'll have the skills to create your own custom pivot tables with datasets of any size.

Whether for business analysis, academic research, or personal projects, you'll leave with the ability to turn raw data into meaningful insights, all through the power of Pivot Tables in Google Sheets.
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Experimente O DataCamp for BusinessPara uma solução sob medida , agende uma demonstração.

Nas seguintes faixas

Fundamentos do Planilhas Google

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  1. 1

    Introduction to Pivot Tables for Google Sheets


    This chapter will discuss what a pivot table is, how it works, and will lead you through the steps of creating and setting up your first pivot table.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Introduction to pivot tables
    50 xp
    Create a pivot table
    100 xp
    Create a pivot table pt 2
    100 xp
    Create a pivot table pt 3
    100 xp
    Pivot table rows and columns
    50 xp
    Select rows
    100 xp
    Select columns
    100 xp
    Rearrange rows and columns
    100 xp
    Pivot table values
    50 xp
    Selecting values
    100 xp
    Selecting multiple values
    100 xp
    Pivot table basics
    50 xp
Para Empresas

GroupTreinar 2 ou mais pessoas?

Obtenha acesso à biblioteca completa do DataCamp, com relatórios, atribuições, projetos e muito mais centralizados

Nas seguintes faixas

Fundamentos do Planilhas Google

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Collaborator's avatar
Amy Peterson
Collaborator's avatar
Richie Cotton


Intermediate Google Sheets
Frank Sumanski HeadshotFrank Sumanski

Founder, SpreadsheetAllstars.com

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