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Foundations of Git

Discover the fundamentals of Git for version control in your software and data projects.

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2 horas8 vídeos22 exercícios

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Descrição do Curso

Discover the fundamentals of version control with Git

This course introduces the concept of version control and highlights its benefits for software and data projects. You'll learn about Git, the popular software for implementing version control in projects, and use it to create repositories and track files.

Dive into Git's storage functionality

Discover how Git stores data through blobs, trees, and commits. Use this information to compare the state of your project at different points in time, understanding what changes have been made, by who, and when. Learn valuable tips and tricks to customize your view of a repository's history and how to undo changes to revert files!

Get control of your project's history

Mistakes happen, but with Git, you don't need to worry. You'll learn how to easily undo changes and revert files to previous states, allowing you to avoid bugs and keep driving your projects forward!
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Experimente O DataCamp for BusinessPara uma solução sob medida , agende uma demonstração.
  1. 1

    Introduction to Git


    Learn the benefits and fundamentals of Git for version control in software and data projects.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Introduction to version control
    50 xp
    Navigating the shell
    100 xp
    Checking the version of Git
    100 xp
    Creating repos
    50 xp
    Converting an existing project
    100 xp
    Creating a new repo
    100 xp
    Staging and committing files
    50 xp
    Adding a file to the staging area
    100 xp
    Saving files
    100 xp
Para Empresas

GroupTreinar 2 ou mais pessoas?

Obtenha acesso à biblioteca completa do DataCamp, com relatórios, atribuições, projetos e muito mais centralizados


Collaborator's avatar
Arne Warnke
Collaborator's avatar
Kat Zahradova
George Boorman HeadshotGeorge Boorman

Curriculum Manager, DataCamp

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