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InícioTableauCase Study: Inventory Analysis in Tableau

Case Study: Inventory Analysis in Tableau

Enhance your Tableau skills with this case study on inventory analysis. Analyze a dataset, create calculated fields, and create visualizations.

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Descrição do Curso

Looking for a way to challenge what you have learned in Tableau? This case study can help you prepare to tackle real-world problems in the field of inventory analysis.

Practice Your Tableau Skills With a Case Study

You’ll analyze a dataset from a fictitious company named Acropolis Retail Inc. Many retailers want to investigate possible improvements in inventory management and purchases, but they need some help. Here is where you come to the rescue. But as you will see, in a real-world case, not everything is perfect.

Clean and Explore Data With Tableau

You will start by cleaning and exploring the data to verify everything makes sense. Next, you’ll create calculated fields and ensure there is the appropriate level of detail for analyzing the clean information to obtain focused insights. Finally, you’ll finish by creating attractive, informative visualizations and dashboards.

By the time you’re finished, you’ll be more confident performing an inventory analysis using Tableau.
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  1. 1

    Exploratory Analysis


    In this first chapter, you will prepare and explore your new dataset in Tableau to set things up for your inventory analysis. Of course, as with a real-world dataset, things might not be perfect, so you should keep your eyes open to check your data is in order and that all required variables for analysis are readily available.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Inventory Analysis with Tableau
    50 xp
    Calculating COGS
    100 xp
    Preparing the data
    100 xp
    Cleaning and exploring the data
    100 xp
    Cost of Goods Sold
    100 xp
    Revenue and profit
    100 xp
    Inventory analysis checkpoint
    50 xp
  2. 2

    Inventory Analysis

    Here, you will continue developing more interesting metrics and methods for inventory analysis in Tableau, such as inventory turnover and ABC analysis, to help you investigate which items are best for Acropolis Retail Inc.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
  3. 3

    Reporting Inventory Analytics

    In the final chapter, it's time to start creating dashboards to share information with suitable applications on management practices, such as assisting in purchase decisions to improve stock management efficiently.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
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Collaborator's avatar
Jess Ahmet
Collaborator's avatar
Maarten Van den Broeck
Iason Prassides HeadshotIason Prassides

Content Developer at DataCamp

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