Foundations of PySpark
Updated 01/2025Iniciar curso gratuitamente
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SparkEngenharia de dados4 horas11 vídeos37 exercícios2,950 XPDeclaração de Realização
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Descrição do curso
Why Spark? Why Now?
Discover the speed and scalability of Apache Spark, the powerful framework designed for handling big data. Through interactive lessons and hands-on exercises, you'll see how Spark's in-memory processing gives it an edge over traditional frameworks like Hadoop. You'll start by setting up Spark sessions and dive into core components like Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) and DataFrames. Learn to filter, group, and join datasets with ease while working on real-world examples.Boost Your Python and SQL Skills for Big Data
Learn how to harness PySpark SQL for querying and managing data using familiar SQL syntax. Tackle schemas, complex data types, and user-defined functions (UDFs), all while building skills in caching and optimizing performance for distributed systems.Build Your Big Data Foundations
By the end of this course, you'll have the confidence to handle, query, and process big data using PySpark. With these foundational skills, you'll be ready to explore advanced topics like machine learning and big data analytics.Pré-requisitos
Introduction to SQLData Manipulation with pandas1
Introduction to Apache Spark and PySpark
PySpark in Python
Introduction to PySpark SQL
Foundations of PySpark
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