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Introduction to Data Culture

Learn the key components of building a strong data culture within an organization.

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Descrição do Curso

Learn how to build a strong data culture

A strong data culture gives a business a competitive edge in almost any industry.

This course equips you with an understanding of the concepts and practical applications of building your own data culture. Suited for individual contributors and data leaders alike, you’ll uncover how to build a data culture from within, its contribution to business success, and how to measure progress through a maturity model.

Common challenges when building a data culture

Uncover insights into how data infrastructure and employee engagement might create challenges when building your data culture. This knowledge will help you prepare for success in building a data culture within your organization.

Learn the key roles and responsibilities needed to build a strong data culture

Regardless of technical expertise and industry, discover how different roles contribute to data culture. You'll learn the essentials of becoming a data leader, how it differs from executives, and what characteristics make a good data leader.

Upon completion, you’ll have the knowledge to empower your team to build a data culture that supports your organization's goals and drives success.
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Experimente O DataCamp for BusinessPara uma solução sob medida , agende uma demonstração.

Nas seguintes faixas

Certificação disponível

Profissional de alfabetização de dados

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  1. 1

    Getting to Know Data Culture


    Why should organizations cultivate a data culture? In this chapter, you'll learn what a data culture is, understand why it is crucial to business success, and know what factors could impose challenges in building a data culture.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    What is data culture?
    50 xp
    Components of a data culture
    50 xp
    Myths and benefits about data culture
    50 xp
    Why build a data culture?
    50 xp
    Efficiency at its core
    50 xp
    Knowing how it works
    100 xp
    Challenges along the way
    50 xp
    People challenges unfolded
    50 xp
    The process matters
    50 xp
    Anything dubious?
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Data Culture in Depth

    In this chapter, you'll learn how to assess an organization's data culture progress with a maturity model, understand why leadership and employee buy-ins play a crucial role, why we strive to build a sustainable data culture in addition to a regular data culture, and how different stakeholders could contribute to the process.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
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Nas seguintes faixas

Certificação disponível

Profissional de alfabetização de dados

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Collaborator's avatar
Jess Ahmet
Collaborator's avatar
Joe Franklin
Joanne Xiong HeadshotJoanne Xiong

Consultant & Data Analyst

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