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Marketing Analytics in Tableau

Master marketing analytics using Tableau. Analyze performance, benchmark metrics, and optimize strategies across channels.

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6 horas17 vídeos53 exercícios

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Descrição do Curso

Gain an Introduction to Marketing

Learn how to use Tableau to analyze marketing performance and drive improvement. In this interactive course, you’ll learn the basics of modern marketing, like the difficult challenge of marketing attribution and the unique elements of B2B vs. B2C marketing. You’ll also get hands-on practice with Tableau functions, like FIXED, DATEPARSE, and CONTAINS statements which you’ll frequently use when working with marketing data.

Use Tableau Functions for Marketing Analysis

You’ll use these functions to conduct a series of analyses, like trending performance over time, and looking at important 2x2 charts, that marketing analysts conduct regularly. You will conduct these analyses across a series of different types of marketing, including ads you see as you surf the internet or emails you find in your inbox. By the end of the course, you’ll work with data from each of these popular marketing methods and gain a deeper understanding of each.

Learn Key Marketing Benchmarks

You’ll learn key questions to drive your analytics, how to benchmark performance using standard metrics like LTV/CAC and engagement rates, and methods to identify areas for improvement.

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Experimente O DataCamp for BusinessPara uma solução sob medida , agende uma demonstração.
  1. 1

    Web Traffic, Journeys, and Attribution


    In chapter one, you will gain a thorough understanding of the basics of marketing data and analytics, starting with how data is generated and stored. You will cover marketing channels, journeys, and understand how they are defined. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to restructure data to identify those journeys and assign credit to interactions via different attribution models.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Marketing analytics in Tableau
    50 xp
    Cookie functionality
    50 xp
    Web data example
    50 xp
    Identifiable traffic
    100 xp
    Customer segmentation
    100 xp
    User purchase flag
    100 xp
    Touches, journeys, and attribution
    50 xp
    Attribution models
    50 xp
    Data offsetting
    50 xp
    Prior touch
    100 xp
    Next touch
    100 xp
    Touch classification
    100 xp
    First vs. last touch
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Email and Paid Social Marketing

    In chapter two, you will dive deeper into two specific marketing channels: email and paid social marketing. You will cover the strategies behind each channel, typical use cases, and understand the components that make up each type of marketing. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to analyze performance across several metrics unique to each channel and understand how to use data to identify areas for improvement.

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  3. 3

    Paid Search and Organic

    In chapter three, you will build on analytics learned in chapter two to better understand two other heavily-used channels; paid search and organic marketing. You’ll learn how each of these channels works, their similarities and differences, and the importance of web pages and digital strategy. Additionally, you’ll examine relationships between data variables and how to manipulate data (both qualitative and quantitative) to perform analyses. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to analyze performance across various metrics unique to each channel and understand how changes in one channel may impact another.

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  4. 4


    In chapter four, you will combine what you’ve learned in previous chapters to calculate and analyze LTV, CAC, and their ratio. You’ll learn how to build these metrics, such as average order size, age, and lifespan, from their component parts and examine changes in them. Returning to earlier work on paid marketing, you’ll analyze changes in CAC over time through a unioned data set, gaining exposure to connived data sets in Tableau. You’ll then wrap up the course by calculating LTV/CAC.

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Workbooks and Datasources


Collaborator's avatar
Carl Rosseel
Collaborator's avatar
Jess Ahmet
Mariam Ibrahim HeadshotMariam Ibrahim

MIT graduate student

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