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InícioPythonStatistical Simulation in Python

Statistical Simulation in Python

Learn to solve increasingly complex problems using simulations to generate and analyze data.

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4 horas16 vídeos58 exercícios
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Descrição do Curso

Get to Grips with Random Variables

Simulations are a class of computational algorithms that use random sampling to solve increasingly complex problems. Although simulations have been around for a long time, interest in this area has recently grown due to the rise in computational power and the applications across Artificial Intelligence, Physics, Computational Biology and Finance just to name a few.

This course provides hands-on experience with simulations using real-world applications, starting with an introduction to random variables and the tools you need to run a simulation.

Gain an Introduction to Probability Concepts

The second chapter in this course provides an overview of probability concepts, using practice exercises based on card games and well-known probability puzzles to provide a framework for your new knowledge. You’ll finish this chapter by modeling an eCommerce advertising simulation.

Discover Resampling Methods and Applications

The third chapter looks at different resampling methods, including bootstrap resampling, jackknife resampling, and permutation testing. Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll be able to add these methods to your data analysis process.

Learn to Use Simulation for Business and Build Your Portfolio

Simulation has many real-world applications, especially in the world of business. The final chapter in this course looks at these, and takes you through a business planning problem to get you used to using your new skills in a business setting. You’ll look at modeling profits, optimizing costs, and getting started with power analysis.
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  1. 1

    Basics of Randomness & Simulation


    This chapter gives you the tools required to run a simulation. We'll start with a review of random variables and probability distributions. We will then learn how to run a simulation by first looking at a simulation workflow and then recreating it in the context of a game of dice. Finally, we will learn how to use simulations for making decisions.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Introduction to random variables
    50 xp
    50 xp
    Poisson random variable
    100 xp
    Shuffling a deck of cards
    100 xp
    Simulation basics
    50 xp
    Throwing a fair die
    100 xp
    Throwing two fair dice
    100 xp
    Simulating the dice game
    100 xp
    Using simulation for decision-making
    50 xp
    Simulating one lottery drawing
    100 xp
    Should we buy?
    100 xp
    Calculating a break-even lottery price
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Probability & Data Generation Process

    This chapter provides a basic introduction to probability concepts and a hands-on understanding of the data generating process. We'll look at a number of examples of modeling the data generating process and will conclude with modeling an eCommerce advertising simulation.

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  3. 3

    Resampling Methods

    In this chapter, we will get a brief introduction to resampling methods and their applications. We will get a taste of bootstrap resampling, jackknife resampling, and permutation testing. After completing this chapter, students will be able to start applying simple resampling methods for data analysis.

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  4. 4

    Advanced Applications of Simulation

    In this chapter, students will be introduced to some basic and advanced applications of simulation to solve real-world problems. We'll work through a business planning problem, learn about Monte Carlo Integration, Power Analysis with simulation and conclude with a financial portfolio simulation. After completing this chapter, students will be ready to apply simulation to solve everyday problems.

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Lore Dirick
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Becca Robins
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Sara Snell


Sampling in Python
Tushar Shanker HeadshotTushar Shanker

Data Science Manager at Uber

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