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Hire Data Talent Faster with DataCamp Recruit


Recruiting data scientists, or any data talent for that matter, is extremely competitive and highly complex, and the process comes with its own challenges. This is especially true in the era of remote work, increasing demand for data talent in the face of limited supply, and the importance of aligning skills with organizational ambitions and tech stack.

In addition, the perceived glamour of data skills means that many applicants are now adding "data science" to their resumes. This makes filtering and assessing hundreds of profiles that contain the term “data science” into resource-intensive manual labor.

In short, we feel your pain. And we're here to help.

In this webinar, we’ll outline the specific dynamics that shape the state of hiring data talent, the challenges recruiters and hiring managers face, and how DataCamp Recruit can help you find your next data hire, faster and more effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • The current state of hiring data talent in 2022

  • Why it’s becoming so difficult to recruit data roles

  • Can DataCamp Recruit help you hire data teams faster? (Spoiler alert: Yes! Join us to find out how)

Struggling to hire data professionals? Click here to see how DataCamp can help!

Adel Nehme Headshot
Adel Nehme

VP of Media at DataCamp

VP of Media at DataCamp | Host of the DataFramed podcast
Adnan A. Amir  Headshot
Adnan A. Amir

Product Marketing Manager at DataCamp

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