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Scaling Data Science At Your Organization - Part 1


The intersection of emerging technologies like cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) has made digital transformation a central feature of most organizations’ short-term and long-term strategies. However, data is at the heart of digital transformation, enabling the capacity to accelerate it and reap its rewards ahead of the competition. Thus, having a scalable and inclusive data strategy is foundational to successful digital transformation programs.

In this series of webinars, DataCamp’s Vice President of Product Research Ramnath Vaidyanathan will go over our IPTOP framework (Infrastructure, People, Tools, Organization and Processes) for building data strategies and systematically scaling data science within an organization.

The first part of this three-part webinar series will provide an overview of the IPTOP framework, and how each element in the framework fits together to enable scalable data strategies. The second and third sessions will provide a deeper look at each element of the IPTOP framework, going into best practices and best-in-class industry examples on how to scale infrastructure, the tradeoffs with adopting different organizational structures, key data roles for the 21st century, and more.

Fill out the form to access the webinar recording, slides, and extended Q&A video.

Adel Nehme Headshot
Adel Nehme

VP of Media at DataCamp

VP of Media at DataCamp | Host of the DataFramed podcast
Ramnath Vaidyanathan Headshot
Ramnath Vaidyanathan

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