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Cursos de ciência de dados

Siga vídeos curtos conduzidos por instrutores especializados e pratique o que aprendeu com exercícios interativos em seu navegador.

  • Aprenda no seu próprio ritmo
  • Obtenha experiência prática
  • Capítulos pequenos completos
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519 resultados

DevOps Concepts

In this Introduction to DevOps, you’ll master the DevOps basics and learn the key concepts, tools, and techniques to improve productivity.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagDesenvolvimento de softwareUserCem SakaryaLearncurso

Understanding the EU AI Act

Get your AI Act together! Understand the obligations, risks, and requirements of the EU AI Act.

Clock1-2 horasTagInteligência artificialUserDan NechitaLearncurso

Sampling in R

Master sampling to get more accurate statistics with less data.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagProbabilidade e estatísticaUserRichie CottonLearncurso

Dimensionality Reduction in Python

Understand the concept of reducing dimensionality in your data, and master the techniques to do so in Python.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagMachine learningUserJeroen BoeyeLearncurso

Reshaping Data with pandas

Reshape DataFrames from a wide to long format, stack and unstack rows and columns, and wrangle multi-index DataFrames.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagManipulação de dadosUserMaria Eugenia InzaugaratLearncurso

MLOps Deployment and Life Cycling

In this course, you’ll explore the modern MLOps framework, exploring the lifecycle and deployment of machine learning models.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagMachine learningUserNemanja RadojkovićLearncurso

Modelagem de risco de crédito em Python

Aprenda a preparar dados de solicitação de crédito, aplicar machine learning e regras para reduzir riscos.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagFinanças aplicadasUserMichael CrabtreeLearncurso

Feature Engineering for NLP in Python

Learn techniques to extract useful information from text and process them into a format suitable for machine learning.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagMachine learningUserRounak BanikLearncurso

Calculations in Tableau

In this interactive course, you’ll learn how to use functions for your Tableau calculations and when you should use them!

ClockMais de 3 horasTagVisualização de dadosUserAgata Bak-GeerinckLearncurso

Data Preparation in Alteryx

Master data preparation, cleaning, and analysis in Alteryx Designer, whether you are a new or seasoned analyst.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagPreparação de dadosUserDeanna SanchezLearncurso

Biomedical Image Analysis in Python

Learn the fundamentals of exploring, manipulating, and measuring biomedical image data.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagManipulação de dadosUserStephen BaileyLearncurso

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy

Learn how to blend business, data, and AI, and set goals to drive success with an effectively scalable AI Strategy.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagInteligência artificialUserVidhi ChughLearncurso

A/B Testing in Python

Learn the practical uses of A/B testing in Python to run and analyze experiments. Master p-values, sanity checks, and analysis to guide business decisions.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagProbabilidade e estatísticaUserMoe Lotfy, PhDLearncurso

Monetizing Artificial Intelligence

Explore AI and data monetization strategies, build ethical infrastructures, and align products with business goals.

Clock1-2 horasTagInteligência artificialUserVin VashishtaLearncurso

Dashboard Design Concepts

Learn the skills needed to create impactful dashboards. Understand dashboard design fundamentals, visual analytics components, and dashboard types.

Clock2-3 horasTagVisualização de dadosUserOlga ScrivnerLearncurso

Financial Trading in Python

Learn to implement custom trading strategies in Python, backtest them, and evaluate their performance!

ClockMais de 3 horasTagFinanças aplicadasUserChelsea YangLearncurso

Natural Language Processing with spaCy

Master the core operations of spaCy and train models for natural language processing. Extract information from unstructured data and match patterns.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagMachine learningUserAzadeh MobasherLearncurso

Introduction to Oracle SQL

Sharpen your skills in Oracle SQL including SQL basics, aggregating, combining, and customizing data.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagManipulação de dadosUserHadrien LacroixLearncurso

Intermediate Git

Discover branches and remote repos for version control in collaborative software and data projects using Git!

Clock2-3 horasTagDesenvolvimento de softwareUserGeorge BoormanLearncurso

Hyperparameter Tuning in Python

Learn techniques for automated hyperparameter tuning in Python, including Grid, Random, and Informed Search.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagMachine learningUserAlex ScrivenLearncurso

Linear Algebra for Data Science in R

This course is an introduction to linear algebra, one of the most important mathematical topics underpinning data science.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagProbabilidade e estatísticaUserEric EagerLearncurso

Introdução ao NoSQL

Conquiste o NoSQL e otimize fluxos de dados. Aprenda Snowflake para big data, Postgres JSON para documentos e Redis para chave-valor.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagEngenharia de dadosUserJake RoachLearncurso

Building Chatbots in Python

Learn the fundamentals of how to build conversational bots using rule-based systems as well as machine learning.

ClockMais de 3 horasTagMachine learningUserAlan NicholLearncurso

Nível de habilidade

