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Cursos de ciencia de datos

Siga videos cortos dirigidos por instructores expertos y luego practique lo que ha aprendido con ejercicios interactivos en su navegador.

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  • Obtén experiencia práctica
  • Capítulos completos del tamaño de un bocado
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506 resultados

Practicing Statistics Interview Questions in Python

Prepare for your next statistics interview by reviewing concepts like conditional probabilities, A/B testing, the bias-variance tradeoff, and more.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserConor DeweyLearncurso

Modeling with tidymodels in R

Learn to streamline your machine learning workflows with tidymodels.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserDavid SvancerLearncurso

Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in R

Learn how to use tree-based models and ensembles to make classification and regression predictions with tidymodels.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserSandro RaabeLearncurso

Ensemble Methods in Python

Learn how to build advanced and effective machine learning models in Python using ensemble techniques such as bagging, boosting, and stacking.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserRomán de las HerasLearncurso

Working with Dates and Times in R

Learn the essentials of parsing, manipulating and computing with dates and times in R.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserCharlotte WickhamLearncurso

Introduction to Optimization in Python

Learn to solve real-world optimization problems using Pythons SciPy and PuLP, covering everything from basic to constrained and complex optimization.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserJames ChapmanLearncurso

Introduction to AWS Boto in Python

Learn about AWS Boto and harnessing cloud technology to optimize your data workflow.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagNubeUserMaksim PecherskiyLearncurso

Experimental Design in R

In this course youll learn about basic experimental design, a crucial part of any data analysis.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserJoanne XiongLearncurso

Fundamentals of Bayesian Data Analysis in R

Learn what Bayesian data analysis is, how it works, and why it is a useful tool to have in your data science toolbox.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserRasmus BååthLearncurso

Introduction to Linear Modeling in Python

Explore the concepts and applications of linear models with python and build models to describe, predict, and extract insight from data patterns.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserJason VestutoLearncurso

Analyzing Survey Data in R

Learn survey design using common design structures followed by visualizing and analyzing survey results.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserKelly McConvilleLearncurso

Case Study: Supply Chain Analytics in Power BI

Learn how to use Power BI for supply chain analytics in this case study. Create a make vs. buy analysis tool, calculate costs, and analyze production volumes.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagVisualización de datosUserNicholas SwitzerLearncurso

Supply Chain Analytics in Python

Leverage the power of Python and PuLP to optimize supply chains.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagAnálisis exploratorio de datosUserAaren StubberfieldLearncurso

Generalized Linear Models in R

The Generalized Linear Model course expands your regression toolbox to include logistic and Poisson regression.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserRichard EricksonLearncurso

Improving Your Data Visualizations in Python

Learn to construct compelling and attractive visualizations that help communicate results efficiently and effectively.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagVisualización de datosUserNicholas StrayerLearncurso

Financial Analytics in Google Sheets

Learn how to build a graphical dashboard with Google Sheets to track the performance of financial securities.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserDavid ArdiaLearncurso

Understanding Digital Transformation

Dive into the world of digital transformation and equip yourself to be an agent of change in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Clock1-2 horasTagAlfabetización de datosUserJordan MorrowLearncurso

Case Study: Mortgage Trading Analysis in Power BI

In this Power BI case study you’ll play the role of a junior trader, analyzing mortgage trading and enhancing your data modeling and financial analysis skills.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserNick EdwardsLearncurso

Web Scraping in R

Learn how to efficiently collect and download data from any website using R.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagPreparación de datosUserTimo GrossenbacherLearncurso

Data Storytelling Case Study: Green Businesses

Practice data storytelling using real-world examples! Communicate complex insights effectively with a dataset of certified green businesses.

Clock1-2 horasTagAlfabetización de datosUserCamilo MartínezLearncurso

Machine Learning with caret in R

This course teaches the big ideas in machine learning like how to build and evaluate predictive models.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserMax KuhnLearncurso

Market Basket Analysis in Python

Explore association rules in market basket analysis with Python by bookstore data and creating movie recommendations.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserIsaiah HullLearncurso

Foundations of Inference in R

Learn how to draw conclusions about a population from a sample of data via a process known as statistical inference.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserJo HardinLearncurso

Visualizing Geospatial Data in R

Learn to read, explore, and manipulate spatial data then use your skills to create informative maps using R.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagVisualización de datosUserCharlotte WickhamLearncurso

Nivel de habilidad

