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GitHub Concepts

Learn how to use GitHub's various features, navigate the interface and perform everyday collaborative tasks.

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2 Horas12 Videos43 Ejercicios
13.239 AprendicesTrophyDeclaración de cumplimiento

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Descripción del curso

Learn How to Use GitHub

Do you ever struggle to keep track of everything going on in a project? Or confuse GitHub with Git? In this course, you'll learn how to leverage the power of GitHub, become a successful collaborator, and recognize the differences between GitHub and Git.

Explore Key GitHub Concepts

Building on the topics covered in Introduction to Version Control with Git, this conceptual course enables you to navigate the user interface of GitHub effectively.

You will perform everyday tasks, including creating public and private repositories, creating and modifying files, branches, and issues, assigning tasks, tagging users, reviewing pull requests, and merging branches. You will also discover how to clone and fork repositories and generate private access tokens (PAT).

By the end of this course, you'll be able to take these new skills and apply them to any coding or data project, making you feel on track and in control. Everyone will want to collaborate with you on GitHub!

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  1. 1

    Introduction to GitHub


    In this first chapter, you'll learn all about GitHub, its many benefits, and how it differs from Git. You'll understand how to create a repository and a README file for your data projects.

    Reproducir Capítulo Ahora
    What is GitHub?
    50 xp
    Defining GitHub
    50 xp
    GitHub or Git
    100 xp
    Benefits of GitHub
    50 xp
    Setting up a repo
    50 xp
    Create a repo
    50 xp
    Repo sections
    100 xp
    Modify a repo title
    50 xp
    Creating a README
    50 xp
    Create headings in the README
    50 xp
    Format text in the README
    50 xp
    Add an image to the README
    50 xp
  2. 3

    Collaboration with GitHub

    This final chapter will guide you through various collaboration techniques on GitHub. You'll gain knowledge on the different ways to copy a repository, how to communicate with your peers on GitHub, and all about pull requests. After this chapter, everyone will want you on their team!

    Reproducir Capítulo Ahora

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Obtenga acceso de su equipo a la biblioteca completa de DataCamp, con informes centralizados, tareas, proyectos y más


Collaborator's avatar
Amy Peterson
Collaborator's avatar
James Chapman

Requisitos Previos

Introduction to Git
George Boorman HeadshotGeorge Boorman

Curriculum Manager, DataCamp

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